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The information is accurate as of 31 December 2022.
Data courtesy of Beauhurst.

Analysis Report: Economic and Business Activity in East Suffolk


East Suffolk’s economic landscape is diverse and dynamic, marked by significant activity in sectors such as professional, scientific, and technical activities, and construction. The area demonstrates a healthy mix of established companies and new, growing businesses, with a notable presence in innovative sectors. The gender distribution among founders and directors highlights a need for increased female representation in leadership roles.

Employment and Business Growth

  • Total Employees: East Suffolk boasts a total of 72,341 employees. The region has seen a growth in the number of employees, with 176 businesses reporting an increase in their workforce.
  • Percentage Employee Growth: The area has experienced a 7.59% growth in employee numbers, indicating a robust and expanding job market.
  • Number of Scaleups: The presence of 88 scaleups demonstrates the region’s ability to support businesses in their growth phase, contributing to the overall economic dynamism.

Sector Dynamics

  • Top Sectors: The leading sectors are diverse, with ‘Professional, Scientific, and Technical Activities’ (14.81%), ‘Construction’ (12.44%), and ‘Wholesale and Retail Trade’ (11.67%) at the forefront. This variety suggests a balanced economic environment.
  • Sectors with Most Growth: Notable sectors experiencing growth include Internet platforms and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), each with two rising companies. This indicates a trend towards digital and technology-driven businesses.

Business Continuity

  • Company Cessations: The data indicates a total of 1,042 companies ceased operations, a figure that warrants attention for understanding business challenges in the region.
  • Number of New Companies in 2 Years: With 2,480 new companies established in the last two years, there’s a significant influx of entrepreneurial activity, indicating a vibrant and fertile business environment.
  • Number of SMEs: The presence of 9,632 SMEs underlines the backbone of the local economy being small and medium-sized enterprises.

Diversity and Leadership

  • Gender Distribution among Founders: 16.16% female founders versus 79.79% male founders points to a gender gap in entrepreneurial initiatives.
  • Gender Distribution among Directors: The distribution among directors shows 28.91% female and 67.92% male, reflecting similar trends in leadership roles.


East Suffolk presents a healthy economic picture with diverse sector involvement and significant new business formation. The growth in employment and the rise of tech-oriented businesses reflect a forward-looking economic landscape. However, the gender disparity in leadership and entrepreneurial roles, along with a notable number of company cessations, are areas that require strategic focus for sustainable economic development.

Company foundations and cessations over time

Active companies over time

The information is accurate as of 31 December 2022.
Data courtesy of Beauhurst.