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The information is accurate as of 31 December 2022.
Data courtesy of Beauhurst.

Analysis Report: Economic and Business Activity in Mid Devon


Mid Devon’s economic landscape reflects a diverse range of sectors, with notable growth in employment and business activities. With a total of 18,220 employees, the region shows a dynamic business environment. Key sectors include professional services, construction, and retail trade, indicating a balanced economic composition. The presence of 29 scaleups and an increase in new companies over the past two years highlight entrepreneurial vibrancy. However, the absence of IPOs and a moderate percentage of female founders and directors suggest areas for potential improvement.

Employment and Business Growth

  • Total Employees: 18,220. Mid Devon has experienced a growth in employment, indicating a robust job market. The employee growth rate stands at approximately 7.01%, reflecting positive economic momentum.
  • Sector Dynamics: The top sectors in Mid Devon include professional, scientific, and technical activities (14.88%), construction (14.65%), and wholesale/retail trade (12.7%). This diversity suggests a well-rounded economy.
  • Top Sectors with Growth: Sectors such as beauty services, internet platforms, and hotels show growth, albeit with a small number of companies in each, pointing to emerging niches.

Business Continuity

  • Company Cessations: Mid Devon experienced 314 company cessations, which could be a point of concern. This figure needs to be contextualised with regional economic conditions and sector-specific trends.

Gender Diversity in Leadership

  • Founders: 21.74% of founders are female, while 78.26% are male. This gender disparity highlights the need for more inclusive entrepreneurship.
  • Directors: Female representation among directors is 31.65%, compared to 65.3% for males. Although better than the founders’ ratio, it still points towards a gender imbalance in leadership positions.


Mid Devon’s economy is characterised by a diverse sectoral composition, steady employment growth, and a burgeoning entrepreneurial scene. However, the lack of IPOs, gender disparity in leadership, and a significant number of company cessations indicate areas for improvement. Fostering a more inclusive leadership landscape and supporting business continuity are essential for sustainable economic health.

Company foundations and cessations over time

Active companies over time

The information is accurate as of 31 December 2022.
Data courtesy of Beauhurst.